Tuesday, December 27, 2016
The Running Man (A Book That Became A Movie)
Pro: Solid story, unexpected finish
Con: Nothing, really. Unless you prefer happy endings.
The Bottom Line: This isn't the movie. And that's a good thing.
For some reason I got a weird desire to read The Running Man. It might have been a combination of wanting some dystopia and the fact that Stephen King is actually the author of the story – Richard Bachman was just a pseudonym. Whatever the case was, I read it, and it was good.
In the hopes of gaining his wife and sick child some money and the ability to survive, Ben Richards decides to risk his life in the ultimate hit reality television show – The Running Man. If he can survive 30 days, he wins it all. Except no one has ever made it past 8. But Ben is an unexpected wild card, and he's going to give the all-knowing Games Network a run for it's money.
A lot of other dystopian novels – especially those in the teen areas – are all about bringing down The Big Bad Society and changing things for the better. This is not one of them. This is, in a way, more realistic in that you could be reading about any poor sonofabitch on the run, traipsing through the woods and hoping to find help where there isn't really any to be had. Yes, this is in the future so we do see splashes of future-tech and hear future-talk, but things are darker, grittier, and Ben sure as hell isn't zipping around in a silvery, flying car to escape pursuers or anything like that.
And rather than be stuck in some arena, he actually has the entirety of the country to run around in. From lurking in old buildings to seeking a way to maybe escape the country entirely, you keep wondering how long Ben can keep up his lead and just how things are going to end. And let me tell you, they don't end the way you might think. At all. I was left there sitting at the final page for a long moment thinking, "Wow. That's it. Huh." Not disappointed, mind you, just surprised. But I also like it. It's a very stark contrast to something like The Hunger Games, or even something like 1984. While it may not be wholly satisfying in that you don't see the whole crap society crumbling and rebuilding itself, it's more realistic anyway since that wouldn't be likely to happen. In fact, I almost wonder if anything would change at all, but in the end, Ben won in his own way, and that's something I'm good with.
The funny thing (and I mean that very tongue-in-cheek) is that this particular dystopian is more relevant today than ever. And not like 1984 in terms of free-speech suppression or cameras everywhere. But in terms of the language used and the way people are looked at and spoken to. A prime example? "They were queer-stompers. Queers, of course, had to be eradicated. Save our bathrooms for democracy." And this was written in 1982. Funny how well science fiction authors can so easily peer into the future, no?
Definitely something worth reading, if you feel like something slightly off the beaten path, or just need another solid story to bulk up your dystopian library.
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Mistborn (A Book With More Than 500 Pages)
Pro: Some really unique stuff I've never seen in fantasy before.
Con: I got nothing.
The Bottom Line: I had a great time reading this and was prepared to finish the trilogy. Then I discovered there are at least 6. DAMN IT.
Not that I don't like reading a good series, it's just that I hate that I'll be stuck in another long series. Sure, there's Janet Evanovich, but I can read her books in a day and it's just too late for me in that line of books. Leave me behind, cut the rope, and all that. Sanderson's books are fairly sizable and take some time even for me to get through. So I suppose we'll see.
As for the first book, I actually found it in a little library that my town has. I just went to drop books off and there it was. A friend had encouraged me to read them, so I thought, "Why not?" and then read it during a recent vacation. Good stuff.
Kelsier is on a mission. The greatest challenge of them all – not to steal, but to overthrow the Lord Ruler himself. An immortal emperor who has been in power for over a thousand years. In a world where ash falls like rain, and the very idea of a green plant is foreign, Kelsier uses the power of Allomancy – the ability to burn metals and use them for amazing abilities. With the help of his crew and a new addition – a skilled street urchin girl who also has the gift of Allomancy – it is time to see if the impossible can be done.
That's probably the worst summary of this book ever, but there's a lot going on inside that demands attention. But it's all quite entertaining. Allomancy alone is a fascinating idea – in fact, a lot of what Sanderson does in this book is fantastic because it's stuff I've never seen before. Even the metals he chose are great because one might immediately think he'd use typical stuff – gold, silver, copper, etc. But he doesn't. He uses a few, but then switches to alloys – including pewter, one I'd forgotten about for a long time. He lays out his rules for each metal and follows them well.
The bulk of the book is planning, but that's okay because it still doesn't ever really give you time to breathe. Kelsier is robbing nobles and fighting people. The urchin, Vin, is learning to use her skill and infiltrate society to gain intel. There are Inquisitors – which are probably the most interesting creatures I've come across in a long time. The world Sanderson has built is rich despite it's desolateness, and all the little details are highly appreciated.
While I will say that I was proud to have guessed correctly about Marsh's fate (though the red herring did fool me – and made me disappointed. I was stupid excited to see things go the other way later), I never expected Kelsier's. Never. Sanderson got me good with that one and I applaud him for it.
If you're looking for a good fantasy read while you wait for Game of Thrones, pick up a copy of Mistborn. With it's grand scope, intrigue, excitement, and unique magic, it's a truly enjoyable read and very hard to put down.
Note: Clearly at this point I've missed my own deadline for the reading challenge. Still, I'm going to press on since each individual challenge will force me to read something I may not have encountered before. Also, fun fact - I finished Mistborn back in August and just completely forgot to set this review to post. Oopsy!
Saturday, August 6, 2016
The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared (A Book That Was Originally Written In A Different Language)
Pro:A solid story full of fun, feel-good stuff
Con: None
The Bottom Line: This is the kind of fiction I enjoy. I'm glad so many folks recommended it.
Whoa, what a blog title.
But it's true. Written by Jonas Jonasson, this book originally came out in 2009 in Sweden. It didn't make it into English until 2012. It was eventually made into a film in 2016, but as often happens, folks stated that the book was better than the film. Surprise. I hadn't heard about it until our store chose a book to try and handsell – something light and fun. This book was the choice and everyone started reading it. And now here we are.
Allan Karlsson is about to have his 100th birthday celebrated at the old folks home in the little town of Malmkoping. But he's not too into that – he's a quiet guy and the woman running the place is kind of rude. So he decides to quit the place via window. From there he gets a bus ticket to however far his money can get him. Along the way he ends up taking a briefcase a young man asked him to watch. From there things get rather interesting considering there's a couple million in that case. Hilarity and hijinks ensue.
The book actually flips back and forth from present day with Allan to the past where we get Allan's full life story in chunks. And Allan's had an interesting life. In fact, I enjoyed his story leading up to the present even more than the silliness of the present. It reminded me of Forrest Gump in that Allan met scores of famous figures from history and was the focal point of dozens of important historical events, from the creation of the atom bomb to meeting with Mao Tse-tung. Everything is weaved in so seamlessly it's great – Allan is such an easygoing guy that he slips into situations, causes things to happen (sometimes on purpose, often not), and then leaves while the consequences rain down upon everyone else behind him. It's great.
There are plenty of laugh-out-loud or simple giggle-worthy moments, and for me this was a refreshing change from what I usually find myself faced with when it comes to fiction books. Characters I discover are often SO SAD about something; husband left, child died, traumatic event now means they're an alcoholic, they have to get back on their feet after they lost their house, etc. Now, no disrespect to those who love all sorts of fiction, but the vast majority of it isn't for me – hence why I read genre stuff. But this was totally different and exactly the sort of thing in the fiction section I'd sign up for more often. Fun, funny, lighthearted, all while still being unexpected and wholly unique.
It really is something you can enjoy reading at any time. If you need something off the beaten path, definitely give this book a go. It's just not something you'd expect, and that's what makes it such a delight.
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Nantucket Red (A Book You Own But Have Never Read)
Pro: Fun being in Nantucket again...
Con: Semi-weak love conflict
The Bottom Line: A good read, but in the end I'll always love Nantucket Blue best...
Yes. I've owned this book since it came out in 2014. But I bought it late in the year and wanted to read it during summer, as I had Nantucket Blue. So I waited. Then 2015 never afforded me a good beach-side, pool-side, chill vacation-sort-of-time the way I'd had when I soaked in Leila Howland's first book. So I never got to read it then, either. But now it's 2016 and the time has finally come for me to read the rest of Cricket Thompson's story.
Cricket's life is changing. Back in the real world, away from the seemingly endless summer world that is Nantucket, she is faced with getting into college, being apart from Zack, and still trying to repair her damaged friendship with Jules. But things seem to finally start falling into place - and then almost as suddenly they start to fall spectacularly apart. Zack is gone. Her Ivy League future may never happen. The only hope she has left is the world of Nantucket, the help of her friends, and a list left behind by Jules's mother, Nina...
I love the premise of this book. And I love that Leila Howland figured out another way to get Cricket back to Nantucket (which, because of her, I now really want to visit...I daresay it's kind of on my bucket list now...). It works out rather nicely. And of course, Nantucket is just as magical as it is the first time - when Cricket isn't stuck waitressing, anyway. She encounters new people and old friends, finds herself in new situations that she handles with aplomb, and I like that this time around, when stuff gets real, the connection happens with Cricket's dad rather than her mom. The only real, serious bump in the road is her relationship with Zack.
That was the one thing I wasn't sure if it would work itself out or not. Everything else you pretty much already know will be okay. How it becomes okay is a different matter, but you know it's going to happen. I think really, my biggest issue was how well Cricket took Zack's abandonment. I wanted her to be angrier at him. Especially when he finally, finally provides his reasons. They weren't that great, and even the biggest stopper he was stuck with should have been challenged by Cricket. If their love is so strong, then he fails at it. Rather, he's still a teenager and does what a teen does so in some ways I can understand. Still, Cricket's love felt far more powerful than anything he had to offer. Their relationship issues were solved at the very end in three pages - almost two, really. I wanted far more conflict. I wanted Cricket to tell him how much she loved him and how much hurt he put on her. I just wanted more. The fix came too fast, too easily, and I wasn't satisfied.
Other than that, it's a great book. Nantucket Blue will forever be my favorite, though. It's Cricket's first foray out into the wild, and I love her for everything she does. In this book, too. She's a great character that I think a lot of girls could admire. But I liked the little threads that Howland weaves throughout this story, the way she puts Nina in it and makes a cheeky mystery, gives things for Cricket to think about, and I liked the final ending bit as well with Cricket's ultimate decision.
Sadly, I think Cricket's story is over and there won't be another Nantucket book, but that's okay. Sometimes you just know when a character's tale is finished. Unless Leila Howland crafts an adult book with Cricket as the central character once she's out of college. Or Cricket's daughter. I could see that.
I'd read it, too.
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Gods & Monsters: Unclean Spirits (A Book with Magic)
Pro: Everything
Con: I mean, if you don't like violence then...you know.
Maybe go read Little Women?
The Bottom Line: This is the American Gods no one needed,
but it's the American Gods I wanted.
I have a long history with this book. Sort of. I'd seen it,
quite literally, years ago on the shelf – probably when it first came out in
2013. By the time I thought to buy it, it was gone. So I thought to get it from
the library. In a nutshell, that turned into such a long, absurd battle that it
became a weird sort of
I-have-to-get-it-from-the-library-now-simply-based-on-principle thing.
Until about two weeks ago when I realized how dumb the whole
thing was and just bought the damn book.
For the record, I am a massive schmuck for waiting this
Cason Cole has just recently been freed. Freed from what,
he's not entirely sure, because what he thought was a man may not actually be a
man, and the thing that freed him was most definitely a bomb. But he's alive,
and that's what counts. Now he can finally see his wife and son again.
Except he can't. Because something seriously wrong is going
on. Nothing is what it seems and there are some truly messed up people in his
way. Even worse? They're not exactly people. They're gods. Goddesses. All of
them. And if he ever wants his family back, he's going to have to go through
them and it is not going to be easy.
Some writers, when you read it's like swimming in a pool of
crystal clear water. It's sleek and bright and magical. With Chuck Wendig? It's
like going down to the pond and digging up a handful of silt and mud. It's
heavy and thick and it feels great when you squish it between your fingers. I
loved it. Every minute of it. Every word of it. I read for hours outside until
the sun made me groggy and I was halfway through the book. I read the rest the
next day—today, finished a few minutes ago, in fact—until my eyes were dry and
yelling at me OH MY GOD, PLEASE STOP. (They still are, by the way, now that I'm
writing this).
But really, to go back to my Bottom Line up there, this was
the American Gods I wanted. No disrespect to those that love that book, nor any
to Neil Gaiman, but that one was not
for me. I had to sludge my way through that book hoping something would happen
and the exposition would calm down a little. But this? Oh my. This the action
didn't stop happening and the
dialogue was always on point – especially the character of Frank. That guy had
me laughing out loud a few times.
I also love how Wendig drops you right in the middle of
something at the beginning and you're just as baffled as Cason. The great part
is that it isn't disorienting. Not in an annoying fashion the way some books
can be. Everything that's happening is too weird, too interesting to get mad
about not knowing things. And you don't really know for quite some time. Why
the gods and goddesses are here. Who's doing the killing. Why. And what makes
Cason so special. His bit is actually the easiest to guess. I was right (sort
of-ish – it's hard to explain). But it's a good time either way.
My biggest thing is that I really want to know what happens
to all the divinity after Cason does his final act. I suppose the last option,
given that final flutter of wings. Still, I wonder if they'll all be mad at
him. Or care. Though I am still curious what happened to some of the elder gods
– where the hell did those guys go? Maybe they all went to that final party in
American Gods.
I'm all over recommending this. If you need something
exciting, visceral, and satisfying, I say go for it. These aren't your typical
gods/goddesses – or the occasional typical creature either. It's clear Wendig
did a bit of digging about for rogue gods/goddesses that most of us have never
heard of, and probably never would have, for that matter. It's a refreshing dip
into a world of the wild, weird, and wholly unexpected.
P.S. I 100% had a moment of, "OH MY GOD, PLEASE BE THE
Saturday, April 23, 2016
The Passenger (A Mystery or Thriller)
Pro: You'll keep wondering until the end. And oh, that twist.
Con: It's not as nail-biting as it sounds.
The Bottom Line: Definitely worth your time, but I almost chose a different category as while it is a mystery in an odd way, I hesitate to call it a thriller.
I ended up reading this book as I did most - bored in the back room at work and it was sitting there as an ARC. But it began interesting and it stayed interesting, so I cruised on until the end.
Tanya Dubois considers her options when she discovers her husband's dead body at the bottom of the stairs. But in the end, she grabs some money, dyes her hair, and hits the road. With a single phone call she demands money and a new identity to start over. But when she meets another woman by the name of Blue, things only become more complicated. New identities, men with guns, and a shady past are all clamoring for Tanya's attention. But who is Tanya Dubois really - and what lurks in her past?
It sounds exciting, I know, but it's actually pretty mellow, in a way. Not bad mellow, just...not much happening mellow. Yes, there are moments where things jump up a notch, but for the majority of the time you follow Tanya around the pages as she seeks to become a new person. To disappear into the world and remain safe. She's been doing this sort of thing for so long it's like she's become a bit numb to it. And you're just a weird outsider watching her do these things.
I can't say that I was ever on the edge of my seat. But I was entertained and kept wondering how things were going to work out. You knew the second she met a cop, he'd be the kind to not let up. And I liked that guy. Moreover, Tanya is smart, resourceful, and I was glad when she finally decided she was done and chose to face the very thing making her run. Though you can understand why she did in the first place. The story comes to you in bits and pieces, through snippets of emails and memories, and you learn who you ought to despise and eventually the reasons why.
The twist, however, was not something I saw coming. Sure, it's not hard to guess why Tanya might be running, and whether or not it's something she's actually a part of. But the very, very end. That's a wow moment right there. And you think, maybe if those idiots had chosen to let that ugly little secret out in the first place, poor Tanya might not have had any of this happen to her. But once it's over, you wish her well, and will find yourself satisfied with the results.
For the record, Blue is my hero.
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Alight (A Trilogy x2)
Pro: An excellent
second installment in the trilogy
Con: Trouble with
some descriptions, but maybe that's just me. I also wish the covers were better.
The Bottom Line:
I'm loving these books and I'm super excited that the next one comes out in
While I truly enjoyed the first book and had a blast with
this second one, I'm still not sure how it made it into the Teen section given
the amount of violence. I guess publishers are letting up and realizing teens
aren't as innocent as they've always thought (heck, I watched Aliens at age 10
and loved it). The Hunger Games actually didn't have a lot of violence at all,
as most characters died off screen. The Maze Runner definitely kicked it up a
notch, particularly in The Scorch Trials, but Scott Sigler's Generations
Trilogy is a whole new ball of wax.
Still, if you or your teen has read the other two trilogies
and some of the other various dystopian, survival-style books out there, then
no big deal.
Em and the others have landed on the planet Omeyocan. They
discover a jungle and a massive city – that may at one point have been two
cities. But the problem now is food. They only have a limited amount before
they starve. Aramovsky isn't above scheming and whispering in order to subvert
Em's position as leader. But what might be most dangerous of all is that they
aren't alone on this planet. Something knows they are here...
Oh boy, what a ride! Sigler knows how to pen a story
brimming over with excitement, anxiousness, and high-strung emotions of every
kind. I think I had to put the book down and stop reading a few times just to
take a break and regroup. He brings you everything from death to life to love
to let's-blow-some-shit-up. So many times you hope Em might just waste
Aramovsky, but she doesn't since she knows that would be a poor choice as a
leader. Other times you might hope she figures out what to say, but being who
she is she just can't. She has to battle with what Matilda was and how those
thoughts occasionally invade her brain, and remind herself that she is her own
person – not Matilda. It makes for some interesting internal struggles.
There is a bit of a love triangle, but I love how Sigler
handled that too. Instead of having Em agonize over it she realizes now is not
the time to worry about it, and then Sigler takes care of the problem by
yanking things up from under Em and burning one of those choices to the ground.
Almost literally, in fact.
All the other characters, no matter how briefly they may be
on the page, leave some kind of impact so that once something happens to them,
you feel it. The history that still waits to be revealed gets more and more intriguing
and bizarre, and what happens at the end – man, I'll be very interested in
seeing how Sigler managers to cram all that into one final book. But no matter
what, I am looking forward to it.
My only qualm was the occasional bit of description. I had a
hard time visualizing the things Em described as a snake-wolf, as well as how
people sat on the pentapods once they discovered what they were. It's as if in
those cases there just wasn't quite enough description for it to work in my
brain. There are a few others, but part of me wonders also if I was just
reading a little too fast for the pictures to catch up in my mind. Other times the
descriptions were perfect, such as the climb up the Observatory and the awful statues.
Messed up, man.
I do really wish that the covers better reflected how kickass these books are. They're just faces with some typeface that doesn't really have anything to do with the insides of the book. Ok, sure, the first book was Em's face I guess, but there's just a fraction of the circle's edge on her forehead. The symbol on the person's head for the cover of this book is slightly easier to see (I think it's supposed to be Bishop?), but you still have to know it's there to get what's going on. Even then, you can't see it clearly at all. The original cover of the first book was a little better, in my view, but still. Ah well.
(There is this video of Scott's editor talking about why they made the change. Frankly, I don't know who would have thought Em was dead, among other things, but whatever. Still think they could have been way better.)
But I'm totally digging on this trilogy, I love the Aztec imagery
and all the borrowing that's been done to make everything here even more
unique, and I am really, really, looking
forward to October. Normally it takes much longer for the next book in a series
to come out, but Scott Sigler either had a huge chunk of it done or he's in the
writing zone – either way, I'm glad!
Saturday, April 9, 2016
If At Birth You Don't Succeed (A Memoir)
Pro: Hilarious.
Con: Only if you don't like to laugh. In which case I worry for you.
The Bottom Line: I recommended this book at work before I was even halfway through – and I wanted to write this review then too because I was having such a great time.
The first time I'd ever heard of/saw Zach Anner, he was dressed in a suit and leading around another man in fishnet tights, handcuffs, and a gag. The group he was with all intended to see Fifty Shades of Grey in full Fifty Shades garb. Several men I was already familiar with, including Josh Flanagan, Aaron Marquis, and Chris Demaris (which now sort of makes them like the sex dungeon Three Musketeerm, and, sorry Chris, but I'm pretty sure you're D'Artagnan). I will admit I'm an avid Rooster Teeth fan, so I didn't have any idea who Zach was, aside from their friend. I was amused, and then moved on with life.
It wasn't until about 7 months later Zach appeared in a series RT was doing called Buff Buddies. And that's when I discovered just how freaking funny Zach is. So when I heard he had a book coming out, I signed myself up. Not that there's anything I had to actually sign up for. Though I did have to order in the books myself because someone upstairs is a moron and didn't order any for my store. YOU DON'T OWN ME, BUYER PERSON.
I'm sorry, I'm getting off track.
Zach Anner is, at this point, an internet celebrity. Born with cerebral palsy (the sexiest of palsies, I feel I ought to add), he's made his way through the world despite some rough times, but shows that with a solid attitude and the help of friends and family, you don't have to let a disability define you.
The book is divided up into separate parts with a few chapters within each part. Though ultimately a memoir, it doesn't necessarily read in chorological order. This isn't a "I was born, here's my childhood, here are the obstacles, here's me into adulthood, yadda yadda" autobiography. Rather, it's a series of stories from Zach's life, some slightly more serious than others, but each one showcasing an important point in his life, from hosting his own show on Oprah's TV channel to discovering the kind of person he is or wants to be.
All throughout the book Zach's injected his humor and wit, and it's all so well done that quite frequently people would look over at me while I sat there and giggled at something on the page. I actually tried to take my time with this book so I wouldn't finish it too fast. I managed to stretch it out to about four days – here's hoping Zach does indeed plan to write another one at some point because he's got some excellent stories.
You also learn a lot of interesting things about walks of life most of us never experience. How they treat you on a reality TV show. What it's like to be disabled while on a reality show. What it's like when things go wrong because the European outlets fried your wheelchair battery. Or the simple fact that just because you're disabled doesn't mean you can't still do a lot of cool stuff. Zach's traveled to a lot of great places, from Disneyland toBerlin to Canada ,
and here I am with a fully functioning body and I've never even been out of the
But it's not all sunshine and roses. Zach lets readers in on some of his less than perky moments, such as an incident involving razors (trust me, not in the way you think), or when he hit a low point and decided to go on random trip to anywhere just to get away and see something different and it completely failed on him. Still, he imbues these things with what he's learned, so that we might in turn learn from him.
Con: Only if you don't like to laugh. In which case I worry for you.
The Bottom Line: I recommended this book at work before I was even halfway through – and I wanted to write this review then too because I was having such a great time.
The first time I'd ever heard of/saw Zach Anner, he was dressed in a suit and leading around another man in fishnet tights, handcuffs, and a gag. The group he was with all intended to see Fifty Shades of Grey in full Fifty Shades garb. Several men I was already familiar with, including Josh Flanagan, Aaron Marquis, and Chris Demaris (which now sort of makes them like the sex dungeon Three Musketeerm, and, sorry Chris, but I'm pretty sure you're D'Artagnan). I will admit I'm an avid Rooster Teeth fan, so I didn't have any idea who Zach was, aside from their friend. I was amused, and then moved on with life.
It wasn't until about 7 months later Zach appeared in a series RT was doing called Buff Buddies. And that's when I discovered just how freaking funny Zach is. So when I heard he had a book coming out, I signed myself up. Not that there's anything I had to actually sign up for. Though I did have to order in the books myself because someone upstairs is a moron and didn't order any for my store. YOU DON'T OWN ME, BUYER PERSON.
I'm sorry, I'm getting off track.
Zach Anner is, at this point, an internet celebrity. Born with cerebral palsy (the sexiest of palsies, I feel I ought to add), he's made his way through the world despite some rough times, but shows that with a solid attitude and the help of friends and family, you don't have to let a disability define you.
The book is divided up into separate parts with a few chapters within each part. Though ultimately a memoir, it doesn't necessarily read in chorological order. This isn't a "I was born, here's my childhood, here are the obstacles, here's me into adulthood, yadda yadda" autobiography. Rather, it's a series of stories from Zach's life, some slightly more serious than others, but each one showcasing an important point in his life, from hosting his own show on Oprah's TV channel to discovering the kind of person he is or wants to be.
All throughout the book Zach's injected his humor and wit, and it's all so well done that quite frequently people would look over at me while I sat there and giggled at something on the page. I actually tried to take my time with this book so I wouldn't finish it too fast. I managed to stretch it out to about four days – here's hoping Zach does indeed plan to write another one at some point because he's got some excellent stories.
You also learn a lot of interesting things about walks of life most of us never experience. How they treat you on a reality TV show. What it's like to be disabled while on a reality show. What it's like when things go wrong because the European outlets fried your wheelchair battery. Or the simple fact that just because you're disabled doesn't mean you can't still do a lot of cool stuff. Zach's traveled to a lot of great places, from Disneyland to
But it's not all sunshine and roses. Zach lets readers in on some of his less than perky moments, such as an incident involving razors (trust me, not in the way you think), or when he hit a low point and decided to go on random trip to anywhere just to get away and see something different and it completely failed on him. Still, he imbues these things with what he's learned, so that we might in turn learn from him.
Whether you end up loving this book for it's hilarity,
inspiration, writing, or all of the above, it's definitely worth a read. And if
you don't know who Zach Anner is, trust me, after this you're going to want to
find out.
P.S. Dr. Phil is a dick. Though I feel this should surprise no one.
Saturday, April 2, 2016
None of the Above (A Book Set in High School)
Pro: A solid look at an issue you may not have heard about
Con: No one ever
punches Bruce in the face
Bottom Line: An
excellent story and the kind of book you feel may help some folks and enlighten
Our Children's Lead decided to make a list of LGBTQ books to
display for teens one day. But when we needed that space for other books, we
had to take it down. Have I mentioned that I'm no longer a Children's Lead at
work? I'm a Merchandise Manager now. And guess what?
When I had some empty display space, I put that sucker right
back up.
I kept walking past it and finally paused to read just what
this one was about. And of course, we all know what happens when I do that. I
basically just end up reading the book.
Kristin Lattimer is a track star. She's got a boyfriend. And
she's about to be named Homecoming Queen. Life is pretty awesome and she's
feeling so great she's decided she's going to take things to the next level
with her boyfriend. Except things are not what she expected. At all. Her
concerns bring her to the doctor's office where she discovers something she
never, ever expected. She's intersex – on the outside she looks female, but she
has male chromosomes as well as a few additional "parts." Handling
such a life-changing fact is hard enough, but even the people you trust can
betray you as suddenly the entire school knows – and the result is not pleasant.
Kristin isn't sure anymore about who she is and if she can keep going with her
once normal life.
Fun fact: this is I.W. Gregorio's first novel and was
inspired by a patient she had that was, in fact, intersex, otherwise known as Androgen
Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS). She wondered about how that girl's life may have
played out, and decided to create a novel that examined such issues.
Frankly, I think she did a damn fine job. It doesn't
surprise me at all that, even in 2016, people would flip out in ways that a lot
of Kristin's classmates did over her condition. Which is some serious bullshit
considering she was born that way and was basically at the mercy of her body
and the way it handled itself before birth and so on. (here's a super
quick link of info for you if you like about AIS). It's annoying to read
about even if it's fiction because that kind of crap happens all the time in
real life. I'm one of those folks that just thinks, "How do you people not
understand by now? Biology is weird. Shit happens. Get over yourself – and why
do you care about someone else's super-personal issues anyway?"
But I digress. Kristin is female, despite her XY chromosomes
stating otherwise. But she has a really hard time coping and figuring things
out. She worries that her running scholarship might be taken away, as the
thought of her being male gives her an unfair advantage (as other athletes with
AIS are mentioned in the book had similar issues – real people, by the way).
She's turned on by people she never believed would turn on her. But luckily she
finds comfort in unexpected places, and in the end, simply needs to figure out
how to turn off the rest of the world (a difficult feat for most teenage girls)
and focus solely on herself.
I admit, as I read, I was a little hard on Kristin about her
handling of the situation. Not so much about the AIS – that's a pretty big
twist in your life – but about how people treated her afterwards. How she
basically folded like a wet paper cup under people's eyes and assholishness. I'm
the type that, while I wouldn't ever say I'm outgoing, didn't take people's
stupid shit either. I once had some guy try and make fun of the cheap brand of
jeans I was wearing and I stared him dead in the eye and said, "Yeah.
So?" with a look that clearly said, "They're pants, asshole. Who the
fuck cares what brand they are?" Not a peep out of him after that. But
Kristin was high on life in every way possible before people flipped like a dog
suddenly gone rabid, so it's more understandable that she would want to bail.
Though I still wish things would have turned around sooner so she would go back
to school that that "Yeah. So?" attitude and put a few people in
their places.
And Bruce needed to get slapped in the face by Vee or
something. I always desire comeuppance when it comes to awful people.
Give it a read. Even if you're not in high school like I am.
People have tough times everywhere, and maybe it can give you some insight into
the kind of world other people have. Besides, it's 2016 – there's no need to be
a jerk.
Saturday, March 26, 2016
After the Red Rain (A Book with a Color in the Title)
Pro: A solid post-apocalypse book all around.
Con: Only if you want more...because I don't know the plans for that.
Bottom Line: A great book - and no, I didn't forget the picture. There's a special one at the bottom.
Bottom Line: A great book - and no, I didn't forget the picture. There's a special one at the bottom.
As for right now, I need to read 35 books before October in
order to complete the District 120 Reading Challenge. Some of these are going
to be tricky. But until then, here's a book with a color in the title! Funny
thing, I'd picked this one out a long while back and it suited that particular
slot perfectly. I'm only just now getting to read it. I was not disappointed. The interesting thing is that it was created by three people - Barry Lyga (author of many books), Peter Facinelli (Hollywood actor), and Robert DeFranco (producer). How that happened I have no idea. But I'm glad it did.
This is the future. Where man has covered the world in
concrete, metal, and glass. Where there were once people – too many people –
and the Red Rain purged billions from the planet. Deedra lives in one of the
megacities that still function, living from day to day assembling parts at a
factory and occasionally scrounging the wasteland for useful and interesting
And then she sees Rose. A bizarrely beautiful boy who seems
to come from nowhere, and who doesn't know exactly who – or what – he is. His
abilities are like nothing she's ever seen before, and he begins to change the
way she sees the world and her future. But when the Magistrate's son is
murdered, all signs point to Rose. Can she save Rose? What's more – do she and
Rose have a chance at saving a dying world?
Honestly, that's really only the tip of the iceberg. After I
read this book I decided that the blurb didn't do it justice. What Rose is,
what he can do, and the way he thinks are so different from everything else in
the story, the whole murdered Magistrate's son thing is a drop in the bucket
compared to all the other stuff going on. This isn't your typical dystopian
formula either. I know, it sounds an awful lot like: Girl meets boy, boy is
pretty, boy changes how girl thinks, girl and boy take on establishment. Yeah,
no. Deedra thinks Rose, while pretty (not handsome, mind you), is quite strange
as he sticks out like a sore thumb in every way possible. She has no idea what
to make of him and when he brings things up that make her think, it actually
takes a while for her to consider them or change her mind in any way. And
that's a good thing. It's more realistic since people brought up believing
something their entire lives don’t just change their minds overnight. As for
taking on the establishment, there's none of that. Maybe in the future, but I
honestly have no idea if the authors are going to write more or not.
And that's another funny thing about this book; I'm okay if
there aren't more. Which is weird since it's sort of a cliffhanger in the end
in that they state they should warn people about the big bad thing that is
supposedly coming, I'm possibly a terrible person in that I'm cool if they were
to just run off together and find their own little place of peace away from all
people and live happily ever after. Though there really are a lot of questions
that beg asking, such as how Rose came to be, Deedra's backstory, and what
exactly was up with the guy in the very beginning who found Deedra as a baby –
and just where exactly he was working because…ew. (I wonder now – was he in a
big bad?)
I realize I'm kind of rambling, but sometimes it's tough to
review a book when you don't want to give anything away at all. I just want you
to read it. I want you to see what Rose is for yourself. What he can do. The
way he sees the world (which is beautiful and I love him for it). Discover what
the Red Rain was, what the big bad thing is, and step into a brand new
dystopian world where half of it isn't sunshine and roses (a la the Capital in The
Hunger Games or the Domes in Under
the Blue Sky or cities in Divergent). This is a place where the entire
world sucks and even Deedra is convinced that there's no way to change it and
it's going to keep on sucking until she dies. The characters are interesting
and complex, the world a fascinating place even in its demise, and the plot is
weird and unique and occasionally violent.
So go forth and read this book. Even if you're tired of
dystopia by now, I think it's different enough to be a bit refreshing for you.
The funny part is that while reading this, I have little bookmarks that look
like they're tiny plants growing from the book. I didn't realize until I was finished
with the book just how appropriate it was.
Saturday, February 13, 2016
The Book of Phoenix (A Book Set in the Future)
Pro: Vastly interesting and hard to put down
Con: Strangely abrupt ending
The Bottom Line: A very cool book with a ton of science fiction elements, but without the usual science fiction feel. I only wish the end were little better...
A long time ago I read Nnedi Okorafor's Who Fears Death for a completely different reading challenge, if I remember. When I saw (at work, as usual) a brand new book with Okorafor's name on it, I got all exited and immediately picked it up.
Before the story of Who Fears Death, there was Phoenix. She was grown and raised in New York's Tower 7. Only two, but with the mind and body of an adult, she doesn't fully grasp what's around her and what might be outside the tower walls. She does, however, love another human in the group of strange creations within the tower - a man named Saeed. But when he sees something so terrible he takes his own life, Phoenix questions everything - and ultimately breaks out of Tower 7. What she discovers during the descruction is only the beginning of her journey.
There's a lot of cool stuff going on in this book. Frankly, I'd love to talk about every bit of it, but I don't want to spoil anything for you. From what else lives in Tower 7 to what happens even just right after her escape and then beyond. I love all the ideas Okorafor puts forth. All the different Towers, all the different experiments that are contained within them, Phoenix's ability, and all the places she does throughout the book and the people she meets. Okorafor is able to fill even the smallest of roles with such life it's amazing. They may be on the page for only a few moments, but you can visualize everything perfectly, grasp the emotions fully, and are constantly on the edge of your seat as you wish for Phoenix to escape the massive group that controls the Towers and maybe find some measure of peace somewhere.
The creativity here, people, is just sparkling.
Given all that, I was disappointed with the ending. Or maybe not disappointed so much as going, "...Aw," in deflated fashion and sitting back in my seat for once. I understand how Phoenix could finally snap, yet people she knew and loved were still on the ground when she performed her (final? still not even sure of that) act which eventually led to the kind of Earth that the people of the world of Who Fears Death live in. And whenever I think of massive effects of what she did, I also think, "You just killed a lot of people who were in no way involved with any of that." Still, I will grant that the idea was pretty cool anyway - given my penchant for post-apocalyptic settings.
If you're looking for something a little different in terms of science fiction, I highly recommend giving this a look. From all kinds of varying elements involved to a story that spans the globe, it's well worth it.
Saturday, January 9, 2016
A Gift to Remember (A Book Set During Christmas)
Pro: A cozy read
Con: Too long, not really my cup of tea.
The Bottom Line: If you want a Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan-esque type of story, then this could be for you.
I quickly realized, as Christmas was coming up, that there was a slot in the Reading Challenge for a book that takes place during Christmas. So after digging around I decided since I'd never read a Christmas romance book, I'd do that. But then I couldn't decide which I wanted, so I ended picking up two. Surprise.
A Gift to Remember by Melissa Hill sounded cute and fun. Darcy Archer works a bookstore, is a bit of a dreamer, and has a pretty cozy little life - until she runs over some poor guy out walking his dog. When he wakes up, he has amnesia, and Darcy takes it upon herself to help him remember who he is - and the possibility is pretty impressive. Is Darcy right? And moreover - is he Mr. Right?
I liked the premise - let's face it, Darcy sounds like me. And her customers definitely sound like some of the idiot customers we get. And it also reminded me of While You Were Sleeping. After a large chunk of Darcy narration, you suddenly split off into first person with Aidan (the memory loss guy), so you get a chance to try and piece things together along with Darcy. It had it's cute moments (though most of those were dog-related) and the atmosphere was lovely...but ultimately this wasn't the book for me.
It went on for far too long. Darcy spends the vast majority of the book musing about everything. From wondering about Aidan's apartment acroutrements to watching all the storefronts fly by while she rides her bike. For a 405 page book about figuring out who a guy with amnesia is, there's not enough actual meat to make it interesting. Darcy goes and does things for Aidan. Darcy goes home and muses about things. Darcy goes and does other stuff. Darcy eventually sees Aiden for a few pages. Darcy leaves to go do more stuff. I was beginning to get impatient. Because she's busy off doing all sorts of other things for him, there's rarely any interaction between the two. And given how giant the leap was from the end chapter to the epilogue, I was disappointed.
I guess I should have known better as on the book it says, "a novel" which in my brain typically means the book is shelved in fiction rather than romance, so the romance is going to be at a minimum, but I've read other non-romance books with more romance in them. Still, I know that this is the sort of novel that plenty of people love, and though there were other elements involved that made me kind of twitch, but it was a matter of suspending disbelief and moving on. In terms of figuring out who Aiden really is, it's predictable, but only if you're already used to looking at the least common denominator, which after years of R.L. Stine, I am. So the surprise wasn't really a surprise to me at all. Still, points awarded for doing a very good red herring job that I'm sure many other people have and will fall for, and there's no shame in that at all.
For a cozy, read-by-the-fire book with a cup of cocoa an dnothing better to do, go for it. But if you want more kissing and more interaction between your leading lady and gentleman, you may want to look elsewhere.
P.S. Er, can we also stop with the obsession with Jane Austin? Yes, that's Darcy's namesake, and yes, she wishes for that kind of romance too - just like so many other romance characters. There are other people to choose from, you know. Just saying.
Saturday, January 2, 2016
Injustice: Gods Among Us Volume 2 (A Graphic Novel x2)
Con: It bugs me when artist styles change mid-way through something.
The Bottom Line: If you need a new graphic novel series to get in on, or if you liked the video game and want to see the starting points, here you go.
Obviously this is the second volume to the Injustice series. Based upon the Injustice: Gods Among Us video game in which Superman is a totalitarian ruler and the goal is to knock him back to earth (so to speak), these graphic novels give you all the back story in great detail on how all that came to be. Made by the people who brought you Mortal Kombat, it was bound to be good.
At this point, Superman and his team are slowly but surely weeding out bad guys who are still (for some reason – stupidity I guess) are being themselves, such as warlords attacking their own people and generally being terrible as they are in the real world. Batman keeps trying to work on contingency plans in the hopes of stopping Superman in his descent into total domination. Personally, I was all for Superman’s design, although I know it will turn out poorly. Superman’s father said it best when he pointed out that Superman was trying not to lose anyone else, and by doing so, would essentially stow away the world into a box to keep it safe.
And we all know how much we humans like being tucked away into boxes without a say in things.
At one point Kaliback decides to make an appearance and attacks all over the world, thinking that because Superman is fighting so hard to bring peace everywhere that he’s not going to fight back properly. Not sure what flawed logic Kaliback is using, but it backfired in every way possible. In fact, it put Superman on a killing spree, which again I supported. Let’s be honest, I don’t know how you’re going to defeat Darkseid’s forces without straight up killing them. I guess I’ve just never been the one to be merciful to enemies who show absolutely zero mercy at any time ever. Guess that’s why I wouldn’t make a good hero. But constant killing probably didn’t do Superman’s psyche any favors. I was with him up until he started killing other heroes.
Now it’s not cool.
I’m interested to see how this story progresses (seeing as I haven’t played the game), although unfortunately my library doesn’t have the Year 2 volumes yet, so I guess I’ll have to wait. Or cheat and find all the cutscenes on YouTube, but even then I’d still probably end up reading the graphic novel. I wonder how many there will be in the end.
My only small peeve is when the artist gets switched up right in the middle and their style is completely different than the people before them. It’s kind of jarring and it took me a moment to realize I hadn’t actually skipped anything – the art style was just different. I realize that when working on graphic novels with a base as huge as DC, this sort of thing is going to happen, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. So really I’ll just have to suck it up and move on. It wasn’t really that it annoyed me a great deal, it just took me aback for a bit.
Otherwise, it’s been fun to read, and a nice change for me since I typically don’t hop into graphic novels very often…or ever.
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