The children have had their turn when it comes to fun and spooky Halloween books, but now it's the adults' turn. Many of you may have already heard of the Sookie Stackhouse (Southern Vampire) novels by Charlaine Harris, whether it's through the HBO show True Blood or a friend or even a bookseller at your local B&N. If not, and you like fantasy and don't have a problem with vampires (they're not depressed and they're actually fun, I promise!), then you'll enjoy these books. They have their share of humor, horror, romance, the fantastic, and goodies you don't see coming. Charlaine Harris has a vivid imagination and if the idea of a vampire named Bill visiting a bar in Louisiana doesn't make you cock your head in curiosity and smirk a little, then I don't know what will. This ain't Twilight folks, I'll tell you that right now.
Read the Epinions review here! (actually, the review includes all 7 Sookie Stackhouse books)